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Servicii online

Any business that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of data transmitted over telecommunications lines, an infrastructure in which they can communicate with one another as well as the means to connect with an almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.

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Servicii online > Medii sociale


Cultură; Medii sociale

Deşi este folosit în mod obişnuit ca sinonim pentru acţiune sau conduită, comportamentul este în mod util contrastat cu acţiunea, referindu-se la reflexul automat (cum ar fi să ...

Web 2.0

Servicii online; Medii sociale

Un termen inventat de O'Reilly Media în 2004 pentru a descrie Bloguri, wiki-urile, social networking site-uri şi alte servicii bazate pe Internet, care sublinia colaborare şi ...

sindromul Twitter

Servicii online; Medii sociale

Legate de Sindromul Tourette, un involuntara, brusca, rapidă, recurente 140 de caractere tastând tic.


Servicii online; Medii sociale

Nu său nu un termen dintr-un film Sf. Este un termen folosit pentru a desemna lumea Blogurile.


Internet; Medii sociale

An admin is a person who's in charge of a group. When you create a group, you are automatically be listed as both an admin and the group's creator. Admins can invite people to ...


Internet; Medii sociale

An advertisement. Users can create Facebook Ads to market their products and ideas. Ads are not free. Visit the Help Center to learn more.


Internet; Medii sociale

Users can add applications to their profiles, pages, and groups. There are dozens upon dozens of applications to choose from. Some are built by Facebook. Most are built by ...