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A decrease in the number of red blood cells, usually due to a shortage of iron. The condition, detected through a blood test, causes such symptoms as fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, or fainting spells. Eating a diet rich in iron and taking an iron supplement during the second half of pregnancy is crucial to keep up with the increased need for red blood cells.
- Parte de vorbire: substantiv
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- Industrie/Domeniu: Părinţi
- Categorie: Graviditate
- Company: Everyday Health
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Industrie/Domeniu: Sănătate Categorie: Boli cronice
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Nadimak joj je novi AIDS u Americi, Chagas je tropska bolest koju uzrokuju paraziti koje na čovjeka prenose kukci koji piju krv. Kukac koji se naziva ...
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