Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Number of terms: 14663
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
Çeşitli Imager ve geometrik kalibrasyonlar gerçekleştiren uygulama. PVA ayarlama aracı bkz.
Industry:Medical devices
İfadeler bu gereksinimi uyum eskiden veya önerilen ama bu SRS ile uyum için zorunlu değil bir testtir.
Industry:Medical devices
A chemical substance used in the HET cooling system that is capable of killing different forms of living organisms. Also used in such fields as agriculture, forestry, and mosquito control.
Industry:Medical devices
An image review tool that simulates a movie loop by cycling through user specified images quickly.
Industry:Medical devices
A range of dates defined by a beginning date and an end date.
Industry:Medical devices
1) doyurmak ve kendi manyetizma tabi hangi alternatif manyetik alanından sonra bir kısmını korumak için bir manyetik malzeme eğilimi böylece mıknatıslanma magnetizing kuvvet arkasında lag neden Polarite ters çevirir. 2)
Industry:Medical devices
A value (in Gy or in % of prescription dose) for which an isodose contour should be displayed.
Industry:Medical devices
Application that performs a variety of imager and geometric calibrations. See PVA calibration tool.
Industry:Medical devices
Wording used to mean that compliance with a requirement or a test is recommended but not mandatory for compliance with this SRS.
Industry:Medical devices
HET soğutma sistemi kullanılan bir kimyasal madde bu canlıların farklı formlarda öldürebilir. Ayrıca tarım, ormancılık ve sivrisinek kontrolü gibi alanlarda kullanılır.
Industry:Medical devices