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Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
Işın yolu bend mıknatıs çıkışında yer alan bir geri çekilebilir hedef. Eğer elektronlar tarafından hedefi vurmak X-ray radyasyon (bremstrahlung) çıkar.
Industry:Medical devices
A retractable target located in the beam path at the exit of the bend magnet. X-ray radiation (bremstrahlung) is emitted if the target is hit by electrons.
Industry:Medical devices
A vacuum tube that produces X-rays. The tube includes an emitter, either a filament or cathode, which emits electrons and an anode to collect the electrons, thus establishing a flow of electrical current, known as the beam, through the tube. A high-voltage power source (e. G. , 60 kV to 150 kV) is connected across cathode and anode to accelerate the electrons. When the electrons strike the anode (X-ray target) they generate X-rays through the bremsstrahlung process. The resulting X-ray spectrum depends on the anode material and the accelerating voltage. Device that generates the X-ray beam. See also kV source.
Industry:Medical devices
A vacuum tube that produces X-rays. The tube includes an emitter, either a filament or cathode, which emits electrons and an anode to collect the electrons, thus establishing a flow of electrical current, known as the beam, through the tube. A high-voltage power source (e.g., 60 kV to 150 kV) is connected across cathode and anode to accelerate the electrons. When the electrons strike the anode (X-ray target) they generate X-rays through the bremsstrahlung process. The resulting X-ray spectrum depends on the anode material and the accelerating voltage. Device that generates the X-ray beam. See also kV source.
Industry:Medical devices
Penetrating electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths are shorter than those of visible light. In the Clinac, x-rays are produced by bombarding a metal target with fast electrons in a high vacuum. The term is translated as "Röntgenstrahlen" when discuss.
Industry:Medical devices
Penetrating electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths are shorter than those of visible light. In the Clinac, x-rays are produced by bombarding a metal target with fast electrons in a high vacuum. The term is translated as "Röntgenstrahlen" when discuss.
Industry:Medical devices
An X-ray (or Röntgen ray) is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 0. 01 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 PHz to 30 EHz. X-rays are primarily used for diagnostic radiography and crystallography. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and as such can be dangerous. In many languages it is called Röntgen radiation after one of the first investigators of the X-rays, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.
Industry:Medical devices
Bir x-ışını (veya ışın Röntgen) elektomanyetik dalga boyu aralığı 10-0 ile bir şeklidir. 01 nanometre, frekans aralığı 30 Darksoul88 30 EHz için karşılık gelen. Röntgen teşhis Radyografi ve kristalografisi için öncelikle kullanılır. X-ışınları iyonizan radyasyon biçimidir ve bu tehlikeli olabilir. Birçok dilde Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen röntgen ilk müfettişler biri sonra Röntgen radyasyon denir.
Industry:Medical devices
Node and subsystem that controls the X-ray Imaging system and HET image acquisition.
Industry:Medical devices
Düğüm ve röntgen görüntüleme sistemi ve HET denetleyen alt sistemi edinme görüntü.
Industry:Medical devices