The University of Houston
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As major general during the War of 1812, he defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and a British army at the Battle of New Orleans. In 1818, he led an American incursion into Spanish held Florida. He served as seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837.
In World War I, the United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia, the alliance that opposed and defeated the Central Powers of Germany and Austria Hungary and their allies; in World War II, primarily the United States, Great Britain, (free) France, and the Soviet Union that opposed and defeated the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Questa legge consente al pubblico e alla stampa richiedere la rimozione del segreto dei documenti governativi.
La servitù per contratto rappresentava un servizio temporaneo per un periodo determinato, normalmente da quattro a sette anni, per un proprietario legalmente designato. Per servitù perpetua si intendeva l'essere posseduto da un'altra persona per sempre - sostanzialmente, anche attraverso le generazioni. Nei primi tempi della Virginia, sia i sudditi inglesi che afro-americani erano schiavi, anche se nel corso del tempo i neri sarebbero stati vincolati alla servitù perpetua, definiti come beni mobili dei loro onnipotenti padroni e senza nessun tipo di diritto legale.
Proposta di emendamento costituzionale per proibire la discriminazione sessuale.
A policy of resettling eastern Indian tribes on lands west of the Mississippi River.
Blanket search warrants used by English customs collectors in the colonies to try to catch suspected smugglers. These writs did not require any form of prior evidence to justify searches, which the colonies viewed as yet another imperial violation of fundamental English liberties.
Legislation establishing mandatory insurance to be carried by employers to cover on the job injuries to their workers, it was a reform that provided protection to workers while also lowering the risk to employers.
During the eighteenth century in England the Whig Party was a loosely organized coalition of political leaders that opposed any hint of arbitrary authority that might emanate from the monarchy and royally appointed officials in government. Like the radical Whig pamphleteers, they also viewed themselves as defenders of liberty, which is one reason why many American leaders, even though not organized as a political party, called themselves whigs. During the 1830s and 1840s in the United States, there was a Whig party that opposed the policies of Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and other members of the Democratic Party.
The board established in January 1942 to help mobilize the U. S. Economy for war production.