US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Domeniu: Forest products; Government
Number of terms: 2933
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Log that does not meet the one-third merchantability standard for a saw log but contains a minimum of 50-percent sound wood fiber by volume.
Industry:Forest products
Mill that converts pulpwood to wood pulp.
Industry:Forest products
1. Roundwood used as a source of wood fiber in a pulp mill. 2. Wood cut or prepared primarily for wood pulp and subsequent manufacture into paper, fiberboard, or other products, depending largely on the species cut and the pulping process.
Industry:Forest products
Middleman who buys pulpwood from the producer and sells it to the pulp mill company or acts as a commission broker for the company in producing pulpwood.
Industry:Forest products
One quadrillion.
Industry:Forest products
1. Wood or metal structural member connecting a logging trailer to a truck tractor. 2. Distance spanned by a skyline.
Industry:Forest products
Wood with distinctive anatomical and physical characteristics, formed typically in parts of leaning or crooked stems and in branches, that tends to restore the original position of the branch or stem if this has been disturbed. Also known as tension wood.
Industry:Forest products
Restocking an area with forest trees.
Industry:Forest products
1. Renewal of a tree crop, either by natural or artificial means. 2. Young tree crop.
Industry:Forest products
Statistical technique used to evaluate relationships among variables.
Industry:Forest products