- Domeniu: Financial services
- Number of terms: 25840
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Also: payout ratio. A financial statistic expressing the ratio of cash flow to distributed earnings as a percentage of net profit. It indicates what proportion of the earnings generated in a given year were actually distributed.
Abbr.: PPP. «Effective» external value of a currency determined by comparing different countries' relative price levels. For example, a basket of goods costing USD 100 in the United States and CHF 160 in Switzerland would give a parity rate of CHF 1.60 per USD. Proponents of PPP theory hold the view that an exchange rate will move in the direction of purchasing power parity over the long term or at least reflect the differing price trends.
Maturity of a bond based on the average of the earliest and the latest possible redemption date.
Bond, usually issued by a bank, guaranteeing specific monetary payment to a beneficiary if the purchaser or maker fails to perform or acts in violation of a contract. In the United States, a performance bond puts the issuer under obligation to render the performance himself. See also bank guarantee.
The safekeeping of fungible securities by category in a bank or a central depository. A record is kept of how many securities belong to the individual banks or customers, but no numbers are allocated. In Switzerland, the banks use SIS SegaInterSettle AG for collective custody. Opposite: individual custody.
A bank's core capital, comprising its share capital, open reserves and profit brought forward. The core capital is part of the bank's equity and must comprise at least 50% of the said. See also tier 2, tier 3.
Contractual agreement to sell or purchase a standardized amount of a specific physical commodity (e.g. grain, metal, oil) at a predetermined price and at a set date in the future.
(1) Auch: Cash-Bond, mittelfristig Bankschuldverschreibung. In der Schweiz: Anleihe mit einer Laufzeit von zwei bis acht Jahren von einer Bank ausgestellt.
(2) Abk.: MTN. Medium datiert-Anleihe Prime Kreditnehmer im Rahmen eines revolvierenden Programms.
Rechtlich verbindliche Dokument unterzeichnet durch die Bank eines Kunden, die Zahlung einer Geldsumme bis zu einer gewissen angegebenen Dritten zu gewährleisten, wenn der Kunde seinen Zahlungsverpflichtungen erfüllt. Die Bank-Garantie gibt dem Verkäufer maximale Sicherheit, dass er sein Geld erhalten. Der Kunde trägt die Kosten der Bank-Garantie.
Abk.: COTO. Option hat der Aktionär einer Gesellschaft das Recht zum Erwerb neuer Aktien, COTO an der Börse verkaufen oder Zahlung der entsprechenden Cash vom Emittenten eingehen.