Domeniu: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
The umbrella organization of the Swiss regional banks, founded in 1994 with the aim of strengthening the regional banks and promoting collaboration between them. RBA-Holding performs central functions for its members relating to IT, bundling of business volumes, service standards and the purchasing of professional services. It also acts as a monitoring body. Do not confuse with the Reserve Bank of Australia (also RBA).
Note-changing machine which can be used irrespective of bank opening hours to change foreign currency notes into Swiss francs and vice versa.
Abbr.: LME. Exchange for non-precious metals such as aluminium, copper, nickel, tin and zinc, as well as for options and futures on these underlyings. Website: www.lme.co.uk.
Abkürzung: REIT. Eine börsennotierte US-Immobilien-Gesellschaft, mindestens 75 % von deren Kapital in den US-Immobilienmarkt investiert wird. REITs genießen steuerliche Vorteile (z.B. Befreiung von der Körperschaftssteuer). Unterschieden werden kann zwischen Equity-REITs, die selbst direkt in große Immobilienprojekte wie Hotels, Einkaufszentren (Malls) und Bürohäuser investieren und Hypotheken-REITs, die nur Hypotheken Finanzierung solcher Bauvorhaben zur Verfügung stehen machen.
Trennung von Kreditgeschäft aus Wertpapiergeschäft bei einer Full-Service-Bank um ein Interessenkonflikt zu vermeiden, die dem Kunden aufgrund der Vertraulichkeit der Informationen, schädlich sein würde. In ein Bankensystem, dem Investment-banking und Brokerage getrennt werden, sind Sie vermeiden Interessenkonflikte Chinesisch Wände institutionalisiert durch ihre eigenständige juristische Personen für beide Unternehmen.
Eines Investmentfonds, hergestellt durch ein Schweizer oder andere Management-Unternehmen mit Sitz in Luxemburg, aber in der Regel für den heimischen Markt. Im Gegensatz zu Schweizer Produkten diese Mittel bestimmte steuerliche Vorteile genießen, z.B. Einkommen ist von der Quellensteuer befreit.
Abbreviation: REIT. An exchange-listed US real estate company, at least 75% of whose capital is invested in the US real estate market. REITs enjoy special tax benefits (e.g. exemption from corporation tax). A distinction can be drawn between equity REITs, which themselves invest directly in large real estate projects such as hotels, shopping centres (malls) and office blocks, and mortgage REITs, which only make mortgages available to fund such construction projects.
Separation of lending business from securities business at a full-service bank in order to prevent a conflict of interests which would be detrimental to the client due to the confidentiality of the information concerned. In a banking system where investment banking and brokerage are segregated to prevent conflicts of interest Chinese walls are institutionalized by creating separate legal entities for the two businesses.
An investment fund established by a Swiss or other management company, based in Luxembourg but usually for the domestic market. Unlike Swiss products, these funds enjoy certain fiscal advantages, e.g. income is exempt from withholding tax.
Bruttoinlandsprodukt abzüglich Inflation.