Domeniu: Biology
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Нежный депрессий, достаточно регулярно распределены уровня пейзажи из глины.
Метаморфические выпрямитель рок в параллельных слоях. Также: образование листьев.
Генетически дифференцированную субпопуляция эволюционировали оставаться в пределах ареала.
Its layers, which from top to bottom are the O-horizon (or zone of leaching) of freshly fallen plant litter, leaves, an A sublayer of water-holding humus, and another of insoluble minerals, a B-horizon (or zone of deposition) of clay and other inorganic particles, and a C-horizon with rock fragments weathered from the bedrock.
The classification of life, starting with Aristotle's attempts. Botanist Carl Linneaus worked out a system in 1735 whose primary categories are still in use. From largest to smallest, here is how we fit them: * Kingdom: Animalia (animals) * Phylum: Chordata (with nerve chords) * Subphylum: Vertebrata (and backbones) * Superclass: Gnathostomata (and jaws for biting) * Class: Mammalia (the young feed on mother's milk) * Order: Primata (primates * Suborder: Haplorrhini (dry-nosed) * Family: Hominidae (erect, walking mammals) * Genus: Homo (humans and their close relatives, all now extinct but us) * Species: Homo sapiens (this two-name genus/species form is called binomial nomenclature)
Слияние растущих городских районах в мегаполисе. Промежуточный этап в развитии какие Льюис Мамфорд упоминается как некрополь, примером которого является tenemented Рим примерно в то время, что Западная империя пала. Некрополь является завершающим этапом в декаданс, бюрократической отчуждение, ненависть к жизни и цикл имплозии.
The apparent deflection of an object in motion because of the Earth's rotation. Low pressure systems in the northern hemisphere turn counterclockwise (clockwise in the southern hemisphere). Think of the apparent curve caused by a child trying to walk a straight line from the center of a carrousel to the edge as it spins.
An aminosugar and polysaccharide (an insoluble carbohydrate spun from interwoven simple sugars) found in some fungi cell walls and in insect exoskeletons. Although abundantly produced--almost as much so as cellulose--some insecticides prevent it from cycling.
Время, необходимое для половины количество излучающих частиц материала для прохождения радиоактивного распада. Потому что выбросов замедляет как в радиоактивность изотопа уменьшается, принимая половину жизни его распада является более значимым, чем пытаться оценить всю сумму. Полураспада колеблются от миллионных долей секунды до миллионов лет.
The political or business practice of masking an environmentally destructive activity by promoting it as environmentally beneficial ("Healthy Forests Initiative") or, at worst, minimally damaging (e. G. , the Bush Administration's argument that oil drilling operations in Alaska will only take up a few thousand square miles of the immense Arctic National Wildlife Refuge--which is like claiming that a man spraying toxic fumes into the air all around him takes up only the few inches on which his feet touch the ground).