Domeniu: Biology
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Broad term for the various movements and practices toward becoming less dependent on external sources of food and power. Some have suggested that "interdependency" would be a better term for the renewed emphasis on local, sustainable projects, and democratic experiments in self-governance.
The two annual periods when the sun crosses over the earth's equator either north to south or south to north, thereby making a day and a night of equal length: an unusual circumstance given the planet's tilt. The spring (or vernal) equinox is on March 21 or 22, and the autumn equinox on September 22 or 23. In other terms: the two periods when the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.
An element whose atoms have six protons and six electrons. Because its outer electron shell holds only four of the eight electrons it could support, carbon bonds easily with other elements and with itself to fashion the complex molecules on which life as we know it depends. It makes up almost half of the human body's dry mass.
Hydrocarbon and sedimentary rock composed of compacted plant remains, mostly ancient club moss trees sitting above tropical swamps. Mined coal provides most of the world's electrical energy. A popular compound in hell, it was once carried by thieves and cutpurses to avoid apprehension.
Energy released by the fission (splitting) or fusion of atomic nucleii: in effect rending the very fabric of matter. The resulting heat drives electric generators. Although the average nuclear plant creates 20-30 tons of highly toxic byproducts and wastes a year, no one has thought up a safe way to deal with it (plutonium has a half-life of 24,400 years).
Term invented by future Environmental Action members at Earth Day, 1970, to describe the sabotage of environmentally harmful machineries (bulldozers, SUVs) and projects (housing tracts, supermalls). Similar to monkeywrenching (Edward Abbey’s term from his 1976 novel The Monkey Wrench Gang). Most greens consider ecotage inappropriate until, at the very least, actions like nonviolent resistance have proven futile. Dave Foreman of EarthFirst! distinguishes between terrorism (which is aimed at innocent people) and ecotage (aimed at devices that ruins ecosystems). Farmer-writer Gene Logsdon has wondered whether groups who resort to such acts ever think about protecting, say, vanishing topsoil.
I due periodi annuali quando il sole attraversa l'equatore terrestre da nord a sud oppure da sud a nord determinando uguale lunghezza del giorno e della notte: una circostanza insolita data dall'inclinazione terrestre. L'equinozio di primavera (vernale) avviene il 21 o 22 marzo e quello d'autunno il 22 o 23 settembre. In altri termini: i due periodi in cui l'eclittica incrocia l'equatore celeste.