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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
A discipline that links ecological problems with social problems: “…The hierarchical mentality and class relationships that so thoroughly permeate society give rise to the very idea of dominating the natural world” (Murray Bookchin). Some key emphases: * The paradigm of domination of nature followed from domination of society by the state and, before that, of women by men. * Institutionalized hierarchy and domination damage the biosphere and subjugate humans to widespread social injustices. They should be replaced by practices that favor thinking and acting in terms of complementarity. * The artificial bifurcation of the world into "natural" and "unnatural" (human) cannot stand. We are part of the natural world we damage through our "second nature" symbol-juggling capacities. * Capitalism based on perpetual expansion is wasteful and outmoded. * The crisis of our time is not the emergence of cities, but of an urbanization that ruins cities and rural areas alike. * Bookchin criticizes deep ecology’s blindness to the emergence of hierarchy: “As long as hierarchy persists, as long as domination organizes humanity around a system of elites, the project of dominating nature will remain a predominant ideology and inevitably lead our planet to the brink, if not into the abyss, of ecological extinction. ”
A grain harvester that combines cutting, threshing, separating, cleaning, and straw dispersing as it moves across cropland. Australian farmer Hugh Victor McKay invented the first practical combine in 1882; as devout a Christian as Sven Foyn, inventor of the harpoon gun, he fought against the establishment of basic wages for agricultural laborers but lost that battle. James Morrow invented a similar threshing and stripping device around the same time that McKay did.
A covering of detritus (leaves, stems, etc. ) invented by plants to survive without weeding, watering, or fertilizing. Even compost is basically treated mulch. Mulching a garden reduces erosion, conserves soil moisture, inhibits weed growth, and provides the soil with organic matter.
Coined in 1978 by Australian ecologist Bill Mollison and his student David Holmgren as a contraction of "permanent agriculture" or "permanent culture. " Permaculture involves designing ecological human habitats and food production systems emphasizing relationships between elements in (zones) and energies (sectors) that integrate human dwellings, microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, and water into stable, productive communities. According to Holmgren, permaculture is the use of systems principles and design thinking to make landscapes that mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature while yielding abundant food, fibre, and energy for human needs. Emphasis is on multi-use plants, cultural practices like sheet mulching and trellising, and encouraging animals to recycle nutrients and graze weeds. Community planning includes energy-efficient buildings, waste water treatment, and growing healthy soils as well as plants. "Without permanent agriculture," writes Mollison, "there can be no possibility of a stable social order. " Other permaculture practices: * Zones are laid out from the center (the dwelling) in terms of how many visits daily we need to make to something. Sectors: energies coming toward the house to be shielded, deflected or collected (ponds, banks, hedges, walls, screens, trellises, hedges, etc). * Elements are placed in zones to work together, as in the natural world, and placed to serve two or more functions (a tree for shade and for erosion control) while managing sector energies (blocking rough winds). Hedges provide forage, shelter crops, provide mulch, exclude rampant grss or weeds, exclude browsing animals. Swales manage drainage and help trees survive drought. * Likewise, every function (water collection, fire protection, etc. ) is served in two or more ways. * Plants that attract beneficial insects: buckwheat, clovers, corlander, coreopsis, corn cockle, cosmos, dill, fennel, feverfew, mustard, sweet alyssum, tansy, tidytips, yarrow. Alfalfa, sweet clover, comfrey, dandelion, earthworms, mulch, and daikon radish break up hardpan. * Water--drainage, collection, availability--is the chief design consideration. Storage sources should be placed on a slope above the site for gravity feeding downward. Roofs can collect rainwater in covered drums. Wire fences to drip dew on the plants below. * Everything is a resource. Pests tell something about soil and plant problems. Predators manage them. * Three key permacultural ethical principles: care for the earth, care for people, set limits to consumption and reproduction, and redistribute surplus. * Principle of Stability: connections between these components (Mollison). * Edge cropping: use of edges and zones, which tend to be areas of diversity and production. * Windbreaks (ideally one-fifth as high as the space between them) to preserve moisture; plant mulch-producing crops near them. Interplant leguminous trees in a crop and orchard for mulch, soil-building, frost cover, leaf drip. Wire fences above crops to feed them dew. Whitish plants like wormwood and birch to deflect sunlight and lower temps, or dark ones to retain it. Lots of trees for condensers, water-catchers, etc. * Mollison's Prime Directive of Permaculture: “The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children. Make it now. ”
A biotic community and its surroundings, part inorganic (abiotic) and part organic (biotic), the latter including producers, consumers, and decomposers. The term was introduced in 1935 by Sir Arthur Tansley. Social ecologist Murray Bookchin prefers the less mechanical word ecocommunity. Its components are not reducible to the interdependent relationships that emerge from it.
The cultivation of a single crop on a piece of land to the exclusion of other crops. This generally requires large quantities of artificial fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, nematocides, and other potentiall toxic measures to kill bugs and increase yield. Even with these chemical aids, monocultures are prone to disease outbreaks and pest infestations. Wes Jackson (New Roots for Agriculture): agriculture leads to the monoculture of annuals, nature to the polyculture of perennials. Monoculture invites pests, diseases, erosion.
Un pericolo perchè i pozzi abbandonati in territori sgombri possono incanalare acqua contaminata da pesticidi e fertilizzanti direttamente nel livello idrostatico. Alcuni stati in America offrono incentivi perchè questi pozzi non usati siano sigillati.
Un cambiamento fisico reversibile in un organismo che si adatta per rispondere alle sollecitazioni ambientali.
時間をかけて集団の遺伝特性のdaptive変更は - "改善"はこの適応は必ずしもされていないこのエントリは、"進化"と言っていない"進化論"の進化はもう理論ではないからです。進化の操作と結果は証拠がテクニックをデートフィールド調査、DNAの研究を通してだけでなく、間接的に、今日では、直接観察されており、化石記録などは新しい便利な機能を備えた動物渡すために長生きしてうきうきですそれまでよりもない動物。中国では象が頻繁に密猟からの圧力のために、今、牙のない生まれた以上です。今日の種に分岐され、アジア蝶の家族の例については、スペシエーションを参照してください。ダーウィンは信じられていたよりも、通常は有害まれである遺伝的変異は、特定の特性大きな役割の選択を強化し、文化力と、進化のロールの少ないを果たしている。 (参照してください自然選択と淘汰が。)生物学者リチャードドーキンスによると、目は、少なくとも40倍で独立に進化している4回の場所をエコー、飛行4回、ジェット推進2回、フラッピング毒針10倍electrolocation数回、社会的目的のためにサウンドプロダクションにも何度もカウントする。収束進化、分類を参照してください。
新しい植物を成長させるための種子を生産工場の生殖器官。花は、通常、その自然の中でも最も美しい作品の一つとなって鮮やかな色を持っています。 <center> [ファイル:flower.jpg </center>