Domeniu: Biology
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Nature's selection of viable strengths through environmental pressures that force an organism to adapt. The bat that hears better than the rest stands a better chance of living long enough to pass on that kind of hearing. In this way certain favorable genes--favorable to adapting to environment pressures--gradually become more numerous in a given population. Discovered by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858 (rather, discovered years earlier by both; Darwin beat Wallace to the press in 1858). Whether the environment shapes completely passive life-material or interacts with an emerging and ever-more-conscious creative potentiality is a most interesting current debate. See Evolution.
Those made in factories and altered with additives, preservatives, colorings, and flavorings. Making them drains most of the nutrients out; processing them adds nutrients back in. Companies that sell processed food have begun marketing low-fat versions because of obesity concerns. A steady diet of processed meats (hotdogs, hamburgers, etc. ) is suspected of a link with pancreatic cancer.
See Ecopsychology. Ralph Metzner prefers the term "green psychology" because instead of sounding like yet another discipline or departmental specialty, it refers to what psychology should have been doing all along: visualizing human beings in our ecological context. In his book by the same name he notes, "The absence of any consideration given to the ecological basis of human life in textbooks and theories of psychology is startling: it's as if we lived in a vacuum or space capsule. "
Nature's selection of viable strengths through environmental pressures that force an organism to adapt. The bat that hears better than the rest stands a better chance of living long enough to pass on that kind of hearing. In this way certain favorable genes--favorable to adapting to environment pressures--gradually become more numerous in a given population. Discovered by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858 (rather, discovered years earlier by both; Darwin beat Wallace to the press in 1858). Whether the environment shapes completely passive life-material or interacts with an emerging and ever-more-conscious creative potentiality is a most interesting current debate. See Evolution.
A modernization of high-yield agriculture which began in 1944 in Mexico with the Cooperative Wheat Research and Production Program organized by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government under agriculturalist Norman Borlaug. The resulting production techniques boosted wheat yield enormously, and their use in India and Pakistan saved millions of lives. But because such production depends on irrigation (which invites salt), heavy machinery (which compacts soil), and chemical fertilizers and pesticides made from petroleum products, the long-term ecological consequences have been devastating.
The energy molecule that powers organisms by fueling the cell's chemical reactions. It does this by surrendering one of its three phosphate groups while breaking down chemically in the presence of water (hydrolysis) into ADP. The molecular bonds that hold a phosphorus atom together with four oxygen atoms carry tremendous energy which the cell draws on for its biological work. Synthesized from glucose and fatty acids, ATP performs other functions, such as helping to build the nucleid acids that store genetic information.
Two tree species (hickory and oak) with roughly equal populations and ecological impact in the forest they grow in. Also, the blended expression of two alleles (genetic variations), as when white carnations crossed with red carnations produce pink ones. See Allele.
大自然的选择的可行优势通过强制一个有机体适应的环境压力。听到比其他更好的蝙蝠站立的生活足够长的时间来传递这种听证会上更好的机会。这种方式在某些有利的基因 — — 有利于适应环境的压力--逐渐成为在某一特定人群更多。在 1858 年发现的查尔斯 · 达尔文和阿尔弗雷德 · 罗素 · 华莱士 (相反,发现年早些时候由两个 ;达尔文打败华莱士在 1858年向新闻界)。无论环境形状完全被动的生活物质或与交互新兴和过多意识的创造性潜力是最有趣的当前辩论。请参阅演变。
The inflated habit of emphasizing connections between things without assessing whether the connections are relevant or important. A radioactive cloud drifting halfway around the world demonstrates an ecologically significant linkage between its point of origin and its destination; "everything is one" is verbal gas. ("Intuitive" because in terms of Jung's typology, such a blurring of sensate distinctions reveals an overexertion of the intuitive function, the psychic knack for sensing patterns, to the detriment of the grounding sensation function. ) As Charles Manson liked to put it, "If all is one, then nothing is wrong. "
The circular wobble in the Earth's axis. The planet spins unevenly like a top on a table, pulled on by the sun and moon. It takes approximately 26,000 years to accomplish one complete wobble. Because of it, the spring equinox--the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator late every March--appears from the earthly point of view to be sliding out of the constellation of Pisces and into Aquarius.