Domeniu: Biology
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
A two-stage type of cell division that creates gametes (sex cells). Because each must contain half a future offspring's DNA (one set from the father and one from the mother), the kind of cell division (mitosis) used elsewhere will not work--it would double the amount of DNA needed. To prevent this, meiosis turns a cell containing 46 chromosomes into four sex cells containing 23 chromosomes each (haploids) through an initial extra stage that mixes chromosomes. Aside from that stage, meiosis is like Mitosis.
Sulfur oxides and particulates from industrial plants burning fossil fuels are the current worst forms of air pollution. Auto emissions run a close second. Most air pollution derives in one form or another from the use of petroleum products, oil in particular. See Oil below.
A versatile nucleic acid that combines with a protein to make ribosoomes, the site of protein assembly (ribosomal RNA); copies genetic information from DNA for transformation into proteins (messenger RNA), and incorporates animo acid combinations into developing proteins (transfer RNA). The RNA molecule is identical to DNA (from which it is made) except for the sugar ribose instead of deoxyribose and uracil for thymine. At one time RNA might have been the only form of life (the RNA World hypothesis): it can replicate without a cell nucleus or even any DNA.
The force that pushes an orbiting object out of its circular path. "Force" is a misnomer, however, because without the centripetal force, the object would naturally straighten its course in accordance with Newton's First Law of Motion, which states that objects tend to move in a straight line through space unless acted upon by an outside force.
A catastrophic reduction in species population. The mass extinction now underway threatens more than half the animals on Earth, some of whom have already vanished; others, like the great apes, are about to. For a tribute to what no longer lives, see the Altars of Extinction project online.
コヒーレンスや関連性を犠牲にして知的詳細によって消費されます。原動力は通常完ぺきぐずりやオタク ナルシシズムの苦味のブレンドです。心理学者、生態学者、および学者の視力には温水闘争の生態学的な概念の定義についての生態圏バーンズは嘆かわしいものですが従事しています。
1 つの単位として後世まで移動する DNA のチャンク。
遺伝子 (遺伝憲法) の外へ向かう、身体症状。表現型は自然淘汰に目に見える側面: エコー ロケーションいくつかのイルカにより現実的な遺伝子それらのイルカを運ぶために渡されます。表現型有機体の環境に拡張: ウナギの珊瑚は鳥の巣します。
A plant (e. G. , a conifer) that bears naked seeds. See Angiosperm.