Domeniu: Biology
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
Force required to hold a moving object in a circular path against its tendency to fly outward. Spinning storms like hurricanes and dust devils exhibit it. The force is proportional to the square of the velocity, which means that doubling the object's speed increases the centripetal force four times.
The controversial idea that instead of responding only to challenges that presently face an organism, natural selection encourages improvements that will eventually benefit a group. This would lend evolution a forward-looking or "teleological" capacity most Darwinians reject.
The use of scientific-sounding arguments to “prove” an unquestioned belief that a God created the world, usually in a short period of time. Creationism is a "working against nature" rather than a "working with nature" enterprise in its insistence that the divine stands apart from the natural in a relationship of domination (supernaturalism). Few scientists take Creationist claims of worldwide Biblical floods and inexplicable gaps in the fossil record seriously. In 1961 Henry M. Morris (1918-) and John C. Whitcomb, Jr. Published a poorly researched book called The Genesis Flood that added nothing scientific to the argument but did inspire the formation of a Creation Research Society in 1963. See Evolution.
Masanobu Fukuoka's method for letting roots till the soil instead of machines. Decrease cultivation and you decrease weeds. Leguminous cover crops and mulching instead of fertilizer. Fukuoka practices what he calls the "no-plowing, no-fertilizing, no-weeding, no-pesticides, do-nothing method of natural farming. " To him the idea that people can grow crops is egocentric, for it is nature that grows crops. His rice yields have been impressive. (He reads like kind of a nut: lots of “man in his arrogance” soliloquizing reminiscent of Roger Payne in the seventies. )
The gradual replacement of one plant community by another. Brought about by changes in climate, in environment, or in the community (climatic succession, physiographic succession, biotic succession), and most frequently by erosion, dropping water levels, or invasion by another species. Succession due to external forces is allogenic, and autogenic when self-prompted. Overall, succession starts with pioneer species and proceeds to those more mature and longer lived (climax). Example: an empty lot taken over by weeds, then bushes, then flowering plants and finally trees.
Species in stable environments tend to live longer and produce fewer, and sometimes larger, offspring. (K is the constant for carrying capacity in terms of population growth. ) This used to be true for whales before their environment was changed. See R-Selection.
How similar components (patches) in an environment interact with each other. Used to study how patches of invasive species impact an ecosystem, among other things. Not to be confused with the actings out of Patch Adams, a famous and dynamic doctor arrested for protesting naked in San Francisco.
The great loopings and returns of life-giving substances through the environment. The three most important are the gaseous (e. G. , the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen cycles), the sedimentary (including the phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, and potassium cycles), and the hydrologic (water vapor to rain to streams to oceans to vapor). Uninterfered with, these cycles tend to be self-organizing and self-renewing.
長い期間にわたって平均大気条件。太陽からのエネルギー気候変動、生物群系の植物の生命の限界を設定するドライブ、したがってそこに住んでいる動物。ケッペン ガイガー分類 5 種類に主要な気候を並べ替えます: 湿気のある熱帯乾燥した、湿気のあるが暖かく、湿気のある寒くて極冷。
同じ土壌を使用して、さまざまな作物を栽培します。雑草、病、昆虫のサイクルを中断します。有機物を構築、土壌構造を改善します。便利な回転: トウモロコシ、セロリ、ニンニク、マスタード、エシャロット; とか、あまり必要があるものとジャガイモのような作物の栄養をつかむ浅い根作物の深いものとします。(土壌改良剤: ソラマメ、リマ豆、ピーナッツ、豆、シェル豆、スナップ豆、大豆です)。