Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
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Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
Base-16 number system. Since there are 16 hexadecimal digits (0 through 15) and only ten numerical digits (0 through 9), six additional digits are needed to represent 10 through 15. The first six letters of the alphabet are used for this purpose. Hence, the hexadecimal digits read: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. The decimal number 16 becomes the hexadecimal number 10. The decimal number 26 becomes the hexadecimal number 1A.
A black and white high contrast signal used as a key source. See also Matte Reel.
HSM systems transparently migrate files from disk to optical disk and/or magnetic tape that is usually robotically accessible. When files are accessed by a user, HSM systems transparently move the files back to disk.
A frequently used abbreviation for HDEP and sometimes HDTV. The term High Definition, applied to television, is almost as old as television itself. In its earliest stage, NTSC was considered high definition (previous television systems offered from 20 to 405 scanning lines per frame).
A term bearing little or no implications for transmission and display systems. The SMPTE and the ATSC have approved one standard for HDEP, sometimes referred to as SMPTE 240M. This standard has 1125 scanning lines per frame, 60 field per second, 2:1 interlace, an aspect ratio of 16:9, extended colorimetry, and a 30 MHz base bandwidth for each of its three color components. It is based on work at NHK, but includes considerable American modifications. Clearly, the combined 90 MHz base bandwidth of this DHEP standard cannot be practically broadcast (not counting sound or modulation characteristics, it takes up as much bandwidth as 15 current broadcast channels). That is why there are so many ATV transmission schemes.
British organization that began using the term High Definition for its electronic cinematography system even before color TV was broadcast in the U.S.
A variety of systems, all European except for HDMAC-60.
a) General term for proposed standards pertaining to consumer high-resolution TV. b) An ATV term sometimes confused with HDEP. HDTV is usually used to describe advanced production and delivery mechanisms that will get ATV to the home. As HDEP cannot practically be broadcast, all broadcast HDTV schemes must make compromises in quality. The line between broadcast HDTV and EDTV, therefore, is difficult to define. See Minimum Performance. c) A TV format capable of displaying on a wider screen (16x9) as opposed to the conventional 4x3) and at higher resolution. Rather than a single HDTV standard, the FCC has approved several different standards, allowing broadcasters to choose which to use. This means new TV sets will have to support all of them. All of the systems will be broadcast as component digital. d) By HDTV, we normally understand transmission, rendering, and display systems that feature about double the number of scanning lines, improved color quality, and less artifacts than that of today’s composite systems. The video may be analog, like the Japanese MUSE or the European HD-MAC, or digital, like the ATSC system in the USA. The European, MPEG-2 based Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) specifications embrace HDTV in addition to 625-line TV. In the USA, the Grand Alliance has succeeded in combining various digital HDTV systems into the ATSC system a multiple format system based on MPEG-2 video coding that allows HDTV transmissions to use the same frequency bands now used by regular NTSC television. The Japanese, who have had regular analog HDTV transmission for some time, are also planning to implement digital HDTV.
A Sony trade name for its HDEP equipment and ancillary products, such as HD videodisc players.
Recording of digital data on a magnetic medium, having a flux transition density in excess of 15,000 transitions per inch per track.