Schlumberger Limited
Domeniu: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 8814
Number of blossaries: 0
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Pertaining to analysis based on equations or formulae derived from a theoretical basis in science. The majority of equations used in reservoir characterization and reservoir engineering are empirical, but many have been derived from scientific theory.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to an environment of deposition in lakes, or an area having lakes. Because deposition of sediment in lakes can occur slowly and in relatively calm conditions, organic-rich source rocks can form in lacustrine environments.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to an environment of deposition by a river or running water. Fluvial deposits tend to be well sorted, especially in comparison with alluvial deposits, because of the relatively steady transport provided by rivers.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a type of metamorphic rock with shearing and granulation of minerals caused by high mechanical stress during faulting or dynamic metamorphism, typically during episodes of plate tectonic activity.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to an environment of deposition affected by tides, the area between high tide and low tide. Given the variation of tides and land forms from place to place, geologists describe littoral zones locally according to the fauna capable of surviving periodic exposure and submersion.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a strike-slip or left-lateral fault in which the block across the fault moves to the left; also called a sinistral strike-slip fault. If it moves to the right, the relative motion is described as dextral. Counterclockwise rotation or spiraling is also described as sinistral.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a technique in which a packer flowmeter is partially inflated and dragged up the hole to give a continuous flow log. This obsolete technique was introduced in the 1960s because the packer flowmeter could make only stationary measurements.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a strike-slip fault or right-lateral fault in which the block across the fault moves to the right. If it moves left, the relative motion is described as sinistral. Clockwise rotation or spiraling is also described as dextral.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a spectrum. The spectral content of a wavetrain or wavelet usually refers to its amplitude and phase as a function of frequency.
Industry:Oil & gas
Pertaining to a sedimentary rock, such as sandstone or limestone, that contains only minimal amounts of clay minerals. Clean reservoir rocks typically have better porosity and permeability than dirty rocks whose pores are clogged with fine clay particles. Clean and dirty are qualitative, descriptive terms.
Industry:Oil & gas