Domeniu: History
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The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources edited by Dr. Andrea R. Harbin.
A tactical unit of Byzantine cavalry numbering 450 men.
# Metal splints sewed upon canvas, linen, or leather and covered with similar materials; a material used in making light armour. A "pair of brigandines" is a body-coat of this material, in two pieces. # Defensive jacket of metal plates on cloth. # A canvas or leather jacket with small plates of metal stitched inside, popular from c. 1340.
A steel cap with chin-piece; a feature of sixteenth-century armour.
# An institution, often endowed by will or supported by subscriptions through a guild, to pay for the regular saying of masses for the souls of the founder(s) and of friends and relations. # Endowments of masses, or of chaplains to say masses, for the souls of deceased testors and their nominees.
An emblematic figure, especially placed on some prominent part of the clothing of servants and retainers, such as the breast, back, sleeve, etc. , to show to what household they belonged; found also on flags, buildings, etc.
# The body of rules governing the faith, morals and organization of the church. # A body of rules administered by courts of the Church.
Bricks laid so that only ends show on wall face.
# Indented parapet for defence. # A narrow wall built along the outer edge of the wall walk to protect the soldiers against attack.
# A short shaft, such as is used in balustrades, usually thicker in the middle than at the ends. # A small column supporting a hand-rail.
# A measurement of land, equal to a hide (used in Danelaw) # Danish equivalent of a hide. The land ploughed by eight oxen; actual area varied locally and like the hide could be reassessed. # A "plough-land"; a measurement of land, notionally as much land as could be kept under the plough in one years by a plough-team of eight oxen. The amount of land so described varied in different parts of the country between 60 and 120 acres.