- Domeniu: Computer
- Number of terms: 318110
- Number of blossaries: 26
- Company Profile:
An American multinational software corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing.
A logical representation of a run-time connection to a data source.
Anything used for information storage that is designed to be easily inserted into and removed from a computer or portable device. Common removable media include CD and DVD discs, as well as removable memory cards.
The process of reconciling the differences between data stored in one location and a copy of the same data stored in another location.
In programming, referring to a function call replaced with an instance of the function's body. Actual arguments are substituted for formal parameters. An inline function is usually done as a compile-time transformation to increase the efficiency of the program.
A startup process that begins with turning on the computer's power. Typically, a cold boot involves some basic hardware checking by the system, after which the operating system is loaded from disk into memory.
A slot in the template of a control (e.g. a button) into which you can place content without adding it directly to the template.
A standardized 18-digit label that uniquely identifies each unit to be transported or stored.
Any technology used to protect the interests of owners of digital content and services (such as copyright owners). Typically, authorized recipients or users must acquire a license in order to use the content.