Century 21 Real Estate LLC
Domeniu: Real estate
Number of terms: 9847
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Century 21 Real Estate LLC is a real estate agent franchise company founded in 1971. The Century 21 System consists of over 7,800 independently owned and operated offices. Century 21 has offices in all 50 states and in more than 67 countries and territories.
Zvezni zakon, ki prepoveduje vse diskriminacijo na podlagi rase.
Industry:Real estate
Oseba v nepremičninski transakciji, ki zaposluje še svetujejo, predstavljajo ali opravljanja strokovnih storitev.
Industry:Real estate
Stroškov, ki nastanejo pri zapiranju nepremičnin ali v okviru hipotekarnih poslov.
Industry:Real estate
Vsako bremenitev, trditev ali zastavne pravice, ki lahko vplivajo na naslovu nepremičnine; ponavadi razkrila naslov iskanje. A oblak lahko odstrani skozi obleko tiho naslov ali z quitclaim listino.
Industry:Real estate
Land and everything permanently attached to land; sometimes used interchangeably with the terms real property and realty.
Industry:Real estate
A middle man or agent who buys and sells real estate for a company, firm, or individual on a commission basis. The broker does not have title to the property, but generally represents the owner.
Industry:Real estate
Real Estate Investment Trusts. A method in investing in real estate in a group, with certain tax advantages.
Industry:Real estate
The amount of cash derived over a certain period of time from an income-producing property. The cash flow should be large enough to pay the expenses of the income producing property (mortgage payment, insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc.)
Industry:Real estate
Anything of monetary value that is owed by a person. Assets include real property, personal property, and enforceable claims against others (including bank accounts, stocks, mutual funds, and so on).
Industry:Real estate
A percentage of the purchase price that the buyer must pay in cash and may not borrow from the lender.
Industry:Real estate