University of California, Berkeley
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The gauge boson that mediates the force of electromagnetism. The photon is the quantum of light.
Pions are the lightest mesons. They are composed of up quarks, down quarks, and their anti-quark counterparts. Pions of charge +1, -1, and 0 are denoted pi <sup>+</sup>, pi <sup>-</sup>, and pi <sup>0</sup>, respectively.
the anti-matter partner of the electron. It is identical in all respects to an electron, but it has positive charge.
One of the constituents of atoms. Along with the neutron, the proton can be found in the nuclei (centers) or atoms. Protons have a positive electric charge, and are composed of two up quarks and a down quark.
The theory of the strong interaction. It describes the exchange of gluons between quarks.
When supersymmetry is imposed on string theory, it becomes, superstring theory. The fundamental constituents of this theory are known as superstrings.
10<sup>6</sup> electron volts
The number of neutrinos observed to be coming from the sun is much less than the number predicted based on our understanding of the sun's inner workings. This discrepancy is known as the solar neutrino problem, and is one of the reasons to believe that there are neutrino oscillations.
Einstein discovered that time and space are interconnected. Height, width, length, and time make up the dimensions of space-time. The famous equation E=mc2 is a consequence of this theory.
One of four known fundamental forces (the others are the weak force, electromagnetism and gravity). The strong force is felt only by quarks and gluons, and is responsible for binding quarks together to make hadrons. For example, two up quarks and a down quark are bound together to make a proton. The strong interaction is also responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei.