Autodesk, Inc.
Domeniu: Software
Number of terms: 4366
Number of blossaries: 1
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In animation, a constraint that keeps an object moving along, and oriented to, a curve. The curve provides the path of the object’s motion, and the object orients itself to point along the curve.
In animation, the skeleton to which joint animation is retargeted from the joints of an original skeleton (source). In other words, the source skeleton is the skeleton from which you want to retarget animation data, and the target skeleton is the skeleton to which you want to retarget the source's animation.
1. The action of making an object unselectable. The object is still visible, but changes to a gray color to indicate that it cannot be selected or changed. Also known as freeze or ghost. 2. In painting, the initial settings for a brush. Any changes you make to the template brush settings affect what the next stroke looks like, but they do not affect any previously painted strokes.
1. In general, the covering of a geometric model by congruent plane figures of various shapes and sizes of the same type (polygons), without any gaps or overlaps. 2. The tessellation factor sets the approximate number of polygons created during this conversion. Low numbers create coarser geometry (and nickeling) and lessen animation accuracy, but increase the playback speed.
A text entry field that allows you to reduce the number of items displayed in a view by typing in text to filter them.
An image that modifies the appearance of a surface, created from painted or scanned-in two-dimensional images. These images are wrapped around the surface of a three dimensional object so that the patterns in the images curve and distort in a realistic manner. Commonly-used texture maps include background, bump map, color map, displacement map, environment map, reflection map, specular reflection.
In Paint Effects, a protruberance from the surface of triangles, created from the mesh brush type. Large numbers of thorns can be generated and rendered quickly, and can be used to add thorns or prickles to plants, or to create furry or fuzzy tubes.
In MEL animation expressions, an internal variable that returns the current time position along the timeline.
An animation curve that lets you change the timing of a clip without modifying the animation curves of the clip itself. Time warps are typically used for reversing the clip, or easing in and easing out of a clip. You can create time warps automatically when you create, duplicate, or instance a clip. However, they can slow performance so should be created only when needed.
The default frames per second (FPS) for animation playback.