- Domeniu: Software
- Number of terms: 4366
- Number of blossaries: 1
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A display of the XYZ coordinates at the origin, the point at which coordinate values are all zero (that is, 0, 0, 0).
A grouping of objects under a given name. Each item in a namespace is identified by its own name along with the namespace it belongs to. Namespaces are the preferred method for managing naming when working with file references in Maya. It is not recommended that you employ Maya's renaming prefix convention when using file referencing.
A node in a node’s history that can be evaluated only after the node itself is evaluated.
A node that lets you create the glows, halos, or lens flares that are produced when a light shines directly into the camera. You can add an optical FX to any light.
A set of lattice deformer options that let you transform all points of an object, even those points of the object outside of the lattice.
A type of geometry that includes curves, patches, surfaces, etc. NURBS are a superset of conics, splines, and Bezier curves. They are particularly suited for modelling in 3D, because they provide excellent continuity with a minimum number of control points.
A window that lists the objects, lights, cameras, and other items in a scene. The outliner can be used to examine the structure and components of the scene hierarchy, display shape nodes, connections, and attributes, select and rename an object, and reorder nodes (that is, change the evaluation order).
An occlusion is a visual obstruction, occurring when an opaque surface prevents another surface from being seen. Occlusion culling is a technique of improving shading display performance by not drawing any objects obscured from the viewpoint of the active camera.