- Domeniu: Earth science
- Number of terms: 93452
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) is an international association representing the interests of professionals in surveying, mapping and communicating spatial data relating to the Earth's surface. Today, ACSM's members include more than 7,000 surveyors, ...
Portrayal of spatial properties on maps considered in competition with other devices such as photographs, pictures, graphs, language and mathematics.
Industry:Earth science
(1) A monument made by man, as distinct from a natural monument (a natural object used, in place, as a monument). (2) A relatively permanent object used to identify the location of a survey station or corner. Objects used include abutments, stones, concrete piers and railroad rails.
Industry:Earth science
(1) Making a negative manually by removing portions of a coating applied to a glass plate.
Industry:Earth science
(1) Any of various map projections obtained by altering the polyconic map projection. (2) A map projection obtained from the polyconic map projection by so altering the scale along the central meridian that scale is exact along two standard meridians, one on either side of and equidistant from the central meridian. Before 1962, a modified polyconic map projection was used for the International Map of the World; the scale was made exact along straight lines representing meridians located, usually, 2<sup>o</sup> on either side of the central meridian. A slightly different kind of modified polyconic map projections is also used for some State maps formerly published by the U.S. Geological Survey. A third type is used for maps of extremely northern Canada. (3) A rectangular polyconic map projection.
Industry:Earth science
A measurement applying an even distribution of a determined excess or deficiency of measurement, ascertained by retracing and established line, to provide concordant relations between all parts.
Industry:Earth science
Geodetic principles or techniques applied within small regions, typically regions one kilometer or less in greatest extent.
Industry:Earth science
A chart on which are shown the ground-wave lines of position and sky-wave corrections for Loran.
Industry:Earth science
An annual publication of the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Royal Greenwich Observatory, listing the Greenwich hour-angle and declination of various celestial bodies to a precision of 0.1' at hourly intervals, times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset and other astronomical information useful to navigators.
Industry:Earth science
One of the rectangles on a Marsden chart, containing data on sea state, etc.
Industry:Earth science
A listing of records of title by the names of the grantor and grantee, mortgagor and mortgagee, etc.
Industry:Earth science