- Domeniu: Telecommunications
- Number of terms: 29235
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
To convert the characters of one alphabet to the corresponding characters of another alphabet.
Traffic measured or studied during one or more study weeks for which data are collected and processed. Normally, a study period consists of four study weeks. Synonyms first-route traffic, study period.
The zero reference level used to apply and measure voltages in a system. Note: A potential difference may exist between this reference level and the ground potential of the Earth, which varies with locality, soil conditions, and meteorological phenomena.
Unintentional signals or noise induced or conducted on a telecommunications or information system signal, power, control, indicator, or other external interface line.
Traffic which is both (a) handled to completion through pulses generated by the customer and (b) for which either a message unit charge, bulk charge or message toll charge is except for that traffic recorded by means of message registers.
Transmission in which signals representing the same information are sent over the same channel at different times. Note: Time diversity is often used over systems subject to burst error conditions, and at intervals adjusted to be longer than an error burst.
The transducing of the information in a real image into the photographic or electronic medium. Note: Normally in motion-reproducing systems, synchronous audio information is simultaneously transduced.
The velocity of propagation of an envelope produced when an electromagnetic wave is modulated by, or mixed with, other waves of different frequencies. Note: The group velocity is the velocity of information propagation and, loosely, of energy propagation. 2. In optical fiber transmission, for a particular mode, the reciprocal of the rate of change of the phase constant with respect to angular frequency. Note: The group velocity equals the phase velocity if the phase constant is a linear function of the angular frequency, = 2f, where f is the frequency. 3. In optical-fiber transmission, the velocity of the modulated optical power.
The voice quality resulting from the use of a nominal 4-kHz telephone channel. Note: Toll quality may be quantized in terms of a specified bit error ratio.
The source or generator of any signal on a transmission medium.