- Domeniu: Telecommunications
- Number of terms: 29235
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
The performance specification of a communications channel or system. Note: QOS may be quantitatively indicated by channel or system performance parameters, such as signal-to-noise ratio (S/N,) bit error ratio (BER,) message throughput rate, and call blocking probability. 2. A subjective rating of telephone communications quality in which listeners judge transmissions by qualifiers, such as excellent, good, fair, poor, or unsatisfactory.
The performance of tests to enable a data processing system to recognize entities. Note: An example of identity authentication is the checking of a password or identity token.
The peak-to-rms voltage ratio of an alternating current (ac) signal.
The percentage of time a channel was available for use in a specified period of scheduled availability. Note 1: Channel reliability is given by where To is the channel total outage time, Ts is the channel total scheduled time, and Ta is the channel total available time. Note 2: Ts = Ta + To.
The peak voltage level of a nominal 400-Hz sine wave required to excite the analog-to-digital converter of the transmit channel unit to the extremes of its encoding range.
The pattern of radio signal frequencies, amplitudes, and phases, which pattern characterizes the output of a particular device and tends to distinguish it from other devices.
The path, relative to a specified frame of reference, described by the center of mass of a satellite or other object in space subjected primarily to natural forces, mainly the force of gravity.
The path traversed by electromagnetic waves that is not subject to reflection or refraction by the atmosphere.
The part of the transmission (power) loss that results from scattering within a transmission medium or from roughness of a reflecting surface.