Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Domeniu: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
The probability distribution that signal fading will exceed a given value relative to a specified reference level. Note 1: In the case of phase interference fading, the time distribution of the instantaneous field strength usually approximates a Rayleigh distribution when several signal components of equal amplitude are present. Note 2: The field strength is usually measured in volts per meter. Note 3: The fading distribution may also be measured in terms of power level, where the unit of measure is usually watts per square meter and the expression is in dB.
The probability a network can perform its required functions.
The priority level (s) designated for the provisioning or restoration of a particular NS/EP telecommunications service.
The principal clock or alternate clock located at a particular node that provides the timing reference for all major functions at that node.
The prevention of information flow.
The preservation of the exact number of characters that are originated in a message in the case of message communications, or per unit time, in the case of a user-to-user connection. Note: Character-count integrity is not the same as character integrity, which requires that the characters delivered are, in fact, exactly the same as they were originated.
The preliminary digits that a user must dial to be connected to a particular outgoing trunk group or line. 2. A uniform code assigned by the telephone company to an individual customer in the form 101xxxx and 950-xxxx.
The predetermined path of a message from its source, i.e., sending or originating station, to a message sink, i.e., receiving, addressee, or destination station. Note 1: In telephone switchboard operations, the primary route is the route that is attempted first by the operators or equipment when completing a call. Note 2: Alternate routing is based on network traffic conditions and supervisory policy.
The practice of registering Internet in domain names--usually based on prominent trade names, trademarks, or corporate names--before legitimate holders of same have had an opportunity or interest in registering the domain names for themselves. Note: Cybersquatters involve (d) in this practice, that has now been ruled illegally, for the purpose and objective of (a) denying the domain name (s) or (b) attempting to profit by selling them (possibly at an exorbitant price) to, the holder of trademark, etc.
The practice of establishing, within a code set, a number of subsets that have an identical bit representation except for the state of a specified bit. Note: An example of bit pairing occurs in the International Alphabet No. 5 and the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII,) where the upper case letters are related to their respective lower case letters by the state of bit six.