Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Domeniu: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
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ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
The proportional distribution or allocation of parameters, such as noise power and transmission losses, among a number of tandem-connected items, such as equipment, cables, links, or trunks, in order to balance the performance of communications circuits. Synonym budgeting. 2. In a telephone switching center, the distribution or allocation of equipment or components proportionally among a number of functions, to provide a requisite grade of service.
The property whereby the security level of an object cannot change while the object is being processed by an information system (IS. )
The property of being made up of two or more different elements, media, or methods. Note: In communications, diversity is usually used to provide robustness, reliability, or security.
The property of any communications facility, equipment, channel, or system in which the range of frequencies used for transmission is greater than 0. 1 % of the midband frequency. Note: "Wideband" has many meanings depending upon application. "Wideband" is often used to distinguish it from "narrowband,"where both terms are subjectively defined relative to the implied context. 2. In communications security systems, a bandwidth exceeding that of a nominal 4-kHz telephone channel. 3. The property of a circuit that has a bandwidth wider than normal for the type of circuit, frequency of operation, or type of modulation. 4. In telephony, the property of a circuit that has a bandwidth greater than 4 kHz. 5. Pertaining to a signal that occupies a broad frequency spectrum. Synonym broadband.
The propagation of radio waves by scattering as a result of irregularities or discontinuities in the physical properties of the troposphere. 2. A method of transhorizon communications using frequencies from approximately 350 MHz to approximately 8400 MHz. Note: The propagation mechanism is still not fully understood, though it includes several distinguishable but changeable mechanisms such as propagation by means of random reflections and scattering from irregularities in the dielectric gradient density of the troposphere, smooth-Earth diffraction, and diffraction over isolated obstacles (knife-edge diffraction. ) Synonym troposcatter.
The property of a system, subsystem, equipment, or process that enables it to continue to function within specified performance limits for an extended period of time, usually months, despite a severe natural or man-made disturbance, such as a nuclear attack, or a loss of external logistic or utility support. Note: Endurability is not compromised by temporary failures when the local capability exists to restore and maintain the system, subsystem, equipment, or process to an acceptable performance level.
The property of a system in which, if input signals X and Y result in system output S (X) and S (Y) respectively, the input signal aX + bY will result in the output aS (X) + bS (Y,) where S is the system transfer function and a and b are scalars.
The property of a file indicating access permissions for a process related to the process' user or group identification. A process is in the file ACL class of a file if the process is not in the file owner class and the effective user ID of the process matches the user ID of a user entry in the ACL associated with the file; or if the process is not in the file owner or file group class and the effective group ID or one of the supplementary group IDs of the process matches a group ID of a group entry in the ACL associated with the file.
The property of a file indicating access permissions for a process related to the process' user and group identification. A process is in the file other class of a file if the process is not in the file owner class, file group class, or file acl class.
The propagation phenomenon that results in radio signals' reaching the receiving antenna by two or more paths. Note 1: Causes of multipath include atmospheric ducting, ionospheric reflection and refraction, and reflection from terrestrial objects, such as mountains and buildings. Note 2: The effects of multipath include constructive and destructive interference, and phase shifting of the signal. Note 3: In facsimile and television transmission, multipath causes jitter and ghosting.