- Domeniu: Telecommunications
- Number of terms: 29235
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- Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
Pertaining to the use of three separate signals to carry the red, green, and blue components, respectively, of a color video image. Note: The image is not NTSC-encoded; RGB typically results in higher resolution than that specified by the National Television Standards Committee.
Pertaining to those frequencies within that part of the audio range that is used for the transmission of speech. Note 1: In telephony, the usable voice-frequency band ranges from approximately 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. Note 2: In telephony, the bandwidth allocated for a single voice-frequency transmission channel is usually 4 kHz, including guard bands. Synonym voice band. See electromagnetic spectrum.
Pertaining to transmission in which the time interval separating any two significant instants in sequential signals is not necessarily related to the time interval separating any other two significant instants. Note: Isochronous and anisochronous are characteristics, while synchronous and asynchronous are relationships.
Pertaining to, or involving, the entire world. 2. Pertaining to that which is defined in one subsection of an entity and used in at least one other subsection of the same entity. 3. In computer, data processing, and communications systems, pertaining to what is applicable to an area beyond the immediate area of consideration. Note: Examples of global entities are (a) in computer programming, an entity that is defined in one subdivision of a computer program and used in at least one other subdivision of that program and (b) in personal computer systems and their software packages, a setting, definition, or condition that applies to the entire software system.
Perturbations in phase of limited duration seen at synchronization interfaces. Typical duration is several time constants of the slave clock which produces them.
Phase-shift keying (a) that is used for digital transmission, (b) in which the phase of the carrier is discretely modulated in relation to the phase of a reference signal and in accordance with data to be transmitted, and (c) in which the modulated carrier is of constant amplitude and frequency. Note: A phase comparison is made of successive pulses, and information is recovered by examining the phase transitions between the carrier and successive pulses rather than by the absolute phases of the pulses.
Phase-shift keying in which four different phase angles are used. Note: In QPSK, the four angles are usually out of phase by 90°. Synonyms quadriphase, quaternary phase-shift keying.
Phase-shift keying that is used for digital transmission in which the phase of the carrier is discretely varied (a) in relation to the phase of the immediately preceding signal element and (b) in accordance with the data being transmitted.
Physical measurements taken (a) to verify conclusions obtained from mathematical modeling and analysis or (b) for the purpose of developing mathematical models.
Power in dBm referred to or measured at a zero transmission level point (0TLP. ) Note 1: A 0TLP is also called a point of zero relative transmission level (0 dBr0. ) Note 2: Some international documents use dBm0 to mean noise power in dBm0p (psophometrically weighted dBm0. ) In the United States, dBm0 is not so used.