Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Domeniu: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
Measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information processed and stored by automated information systems. Note 1: The unauthorized disclosure, modification, or destruction may be accidental or intentional. Note 2: Automated information systems security includes consideration of all hardware and software functions, characteristics and features; operational procedures; accountability procedures; and access controls at the central computer facility, remote computer, and terminal facilities; management constraints; physical structures and devices, such as computers, transmission lines, and power sources; and personnel and communications controls needed to provide an acceptable level of risk for the automated information system and for the data and information contained in the system. Automated information systems security also includes the totality of security safeguards needed to provide an acceptable protection level for an automated information system and for the data handled by an automated information system. 2. In INFOSEC, synonym computer security.
Measures ensuring that intended transmitted information can be received despite deliberate jamming attempts.
Measures taken to minimize unintended electromagnetic radiation emanating from a system or component and to minimize electromagnetic interference. Note: Control of electromagnetic radiation is exercised for purposes of security and the reduction of interference, especially on ships and aircraft. 2. A national operational plan to minimize the use of electromagnetic radiation in the United States and its possessions and the Panama Canal Zone in the event of attack or imminent threat thereof, as an aid to the navigation of hostile aircraft, guided missiles, or other devices.
Measures taken to prevent an unauthorized person/entity from impersonating an authorized person/entity to gain access to a data system. 2. Measures preventing an opponent's participation in an information system (IS. )
Measures to defend against TEMPEST attacks.
Measuring atmospheric phenomena or determining atmospheric conditions, especially by means of apparatus carried by balloons, rockets, or satellites.
Mechanisms that mask differences in physical, link, and network technologies by converting (or mapping) states and protocols into consistent network and user services.
Method for demonstrating knowledge of a secret, in which both entities share a common authentication information.
Modified AM transmission in which one sideband, the carrier, and only a portion of the other sideband are transmitted.
Modulation achieved using algorithms that quantize the difference between the input and the estimated signal into core bits and enhancement bits.