Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Domeniu: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
Circuit noise or interference that is like a signal.
Circuit noise voltage measured with a psophometer that includes a CCIF-1951 weighting network. Note 1: "Psophometric voltage" should not be confused with "psophometric emf," i.e., the emf in a generator or line with 600 internal resistance. For practical purposes, the psophometric emf is twice the corresponding psophometric voltage. Note 2: Psophometric voltage readings, V, in millivolts, are commonly converted to dBm (psoph) by dBm (psoph) = 20 log10V - 57. 78.
Circuits between toll centers and circuits between a toll center and a tandem system in a different toll center area.
Classified or controlled cryptographic item for securing classified and sensitive U. S. Government information, when appropriately keyed. The term refers only to products, and not to information, key, services, or controls. Type 1 products contain classified algorithms. They are available to U. S. Government users, their contractors, and federally sponsored non-U. S. Government activities subject to export restrictions in accordance with International Traffic in Arms Regulation.
Code composed largely of words and phrases suitable for general communications use.
Code consisting of an encoding section, in which the vocabulary items (with their associated code groups) are arranged in alphabetical or other systematic order; and a decoding section, in which the code groups (with their associated meanings) are arranged in a separate alphabetical or numeric order.
Code in which plain text elements and their accompanying code groups are arranged in alphabetical, numerical, or other systematic order, so one listing serves for both encoding and decoding. One-part codes are normally small codes used to pass small volumes of low-sensitivity information.
Collectively, the representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media.
Collocation of electronic equipment on the same vehicle, station, or base. Note: Equipment so located is often subject to interference because of its proximity to other equipment.
Commercial software, written in HTML, that combines the functions of a file-conversion tool and a Web browser.