Domeniu: Law enforcement; Military
Number of terms: 2621
Number of blossaries: 9
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War on Terror Portal
The White House coined the term to replace the old "suicide bombings."
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Volunteers from around the world -- notably the US and Canada -- who went to Iraq in order to stand at strategic sites in order to try to deter allied bombing. Most of them came home around the time of the first bombings, one claiming that he didn't know it was such a dangerous duty.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Ballistic missiles with no guidance system but are instead dependent upon their trajectory. ICBMs have long enough range to go from one continent to another, but are very expensive. They can be equipped with multiple warheads, each guided to different targets.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
One of two Near East countries with nuclear capabilities. This country, with more than a billion people and diverse religious beliefs, including Christian, Muslim, and Hindu, is in a long-term fight with Pakistan over the region of Kashmi, home to many terrorist organizations. India's defense minister has claimed that Osama bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan and that Pakistani intelligence officials are aware of his presence. Pakistan has officially denied the allegation.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Country in which the Bali nightclub bombing, which killed more than 180 people, took place in October 2002. Seven Americans were killed in the explosion, which was caused by a suicide minivan with C4 packed tightly into the roof. Islamic extremists openly supported the bombing. Investigators say that the bomb was made of ammonium nitrate, a compound which was stockpiled by an Islamic terrorist organization which allied itself with al Qaeda.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Contracted by inhaling anthrax spores. This results in pneumonia, sometimes meningitis, and finally death.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Ballistic missiles with no guidance system but are instead dependent upon their trajectory. ICBMs have long enough range to go from one continent to another, but are very expensive. They can be equipped with multiple warheads, each guided to different targets.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
(alternatively Intifadah, from Arabic "shaking off") The two intifadas are similar in that both were originally characterized by civil disobedience by the Palestinans which escalated into the use of terror. In 1987, following the killing of several Arabs in the Gaza Strip, the first intifada began and went on until 1993. The second intafada began in in September 2000, following Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Named as a component of President G.W. Bush's "Axis of Evil", Iran has been accused of abetting terrorist organizations as well as exporting weapons of mass destruction. Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the U.S. is "the most hated Satan in the world."
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Country of Saddam Hussein, and a member of the Axis of Evil. Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1991 and was routed by American-led allied forces under U.S. President George H.W. Bush. At that time, Iraq agreed to allow weapons inspectors into Iraq and then Saddam changed his mind. Iraq was subsequently accused of aiding terrorism and producing weapons of mass destructions. In November, 2002, the United Nations security council passed unanimously a resolution demanding that Iraq allow weapons inspectors and that they destroy any weapons of mass destrubtion. The U.N. later ignored its own resolution, as did Saddam, after U.N.'s own inspectors found 11 undeclared empty chemical warheads in southern Iraq. The allied forces marched and flew into Bagdhad, apparently sending Saddam and his grown sons and henchmen into hiding.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military