Domeniu: Law enforcement; Military
Number of terms: 2621
Number of blossaries: 9
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War on Terror Portal
Submit The faith practiced by followers of Muhammad. Islam claims more than a billion believers worldwide.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Since it officially became a nation in 1948, Israel has been attacked from such nations as Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, and has waged a war with Palestinians. Their policy is to demolish the home of Palestinian suicide bombers. Currently. as always, involved in a peace plan, even as the bombings continue.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Deployed troops to the US-led war against terror in November, 2001.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Journal of the American Medical Association
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Sent 3 naval destroyers to Afghanistan to assist US-led forces in a non-combative support role.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Formed in the mid-1980s by 2 Indonesian clerics, JI became a terrorist organization when one of the co-founders, Abdullah Sungkar, came into contact with Osama bin Laden and al Qaida. JI has since spread to include terrorist cells in every country in Southeast Asia and in Australia. The principal goal of the organization is the creation of a unified Southeast Asian Islamic state which they want to stretch from southern Thailand, through the Malay Peninsula, encompassing Singapore, and across the Indonesian archipelago into the southern Philippines. They are most active in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and southern islands of the Philippines, where they claim to wage holy war against agents of "Western imperialism," and others who resist their movement. Currently led by cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, the JI is thought to be responsbile for the October, 2002 bombings in Bali, the Marriott bombing in August 2003, and a failed plot to bomb US and Israeli embassies and the British and Australian diplomatic buildings in Singapore in December 2001.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Struggle. The definition is a subject of vast debate. There are two definitions generally accepted. The first is a struggle against oppression, whether political or religious. The second is the struggle within oneself, or a spiritual struggle.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
Disputed province controlled by India but threatened by Pakistani-backed terrorists who seek to wrestle control of the Muslim population. U.S. intelligence officials concluded that the Muslim terrorists were backed by al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. (May 29, 2002) kneecapping This common punishment used by Northern Ireland's IRA involves breaking or shooting the kneecaps of those accused of collaborating with the British.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
The holy book of Islam, considered by Muslims to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. Also called Qu'ran.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military
An ally of the US-led coalition, Kuwait allowed allied troops to use their country as an entry point into Iraq, and housed hundreds of media types during the second Gulf War.
Industry:Law enforcement; Military