Company: Altele
Created by: federica.masante
Number of Blossarys: 31
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A game where tickets are purchased through a network of computer terminals located at retail outlets. The terminals are linked to a central computer that records the wagers. Examples of online games ...
A game that does not require the use of a computer terminal for purchase. Instant and passive games are examples of off-line games.
This term can be used for any lottery game where winners are determined by a random draw of numbers. However, it is often used more specifically for a game where a player selects three or four digits ...
A 3 or 4 digit number that contains no double digits as in the 'Double' or 'Double-Double'.
The money played at a video lottery terminal (see 'Handle' above) minus the prizes won at that terminal.
A selection of numbers made by the player as opposed to a 'Quick Pick' or 'Lucky Dip' selection.
A large jackpot that the winner elects to receive as a lump sum cash payment rather than an 'Annuity' (see above) over several years.