Pagină de pornire > Blossary: User Experience Glossary
Terms in user experience industry


Company: SAP

44 Terms

Created by: christine

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

An abstract specification for the entity types, associations, entity containers, entity sets, and association sets in the domain of an application built on an Entity Data Model.

Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering


Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering

Human–computer Interaction (HCI) involves the study, planning, and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers.

Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering

电子数据交换是利用电脑应用系统,由一台电脑运用标准协定及统一标准数据格式,经过电子化的数据传递方式,将数据传送到另一台电脑的电脑应用系统。 ...

Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering

A standard for exchanging bundles of data between two companies via telephone lines or the Internet. EDI transmits much larger bundles of data than can be transmitted via e-mail. For EDI to be ...

Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering


Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering

An algorithm that puts a collection of data elements into some sequenced order, sometimes based on one or more key values in each element.

Domain: Computer; Industrie/Domeniu: Software engineering

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