Categorie: Arts
Created by: 2la
Number of Blossarys: 16
Ким Кардашян и Канье, назвал их ребенка дочь Севера West.The пара решила пойти на север и для краткости будем называть их дочь ...
Kim Kardashian und Kanye mit dem Namen ihres Baby Tochter North West.The paar entschied sich für Nord und wird ihre Tochter Nori kurz anrufen.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye named their baby daughter North West.The couple decided to go for North and will call their daughter Nori for short.
Child of Sylvester Stallone. I am almost sure that this name was given during his 'Rambo' days. 'Sage' is ok for name, but I'm a little confused on the 'Moonblood' part.
Child of Jason Lee. He got the name 'Pilot' from a pretty ridiculous song. 'Inspector' on the other hand is unknown, and really shouldn't be known at this point.
By: 2la