Category: Culture
Company: United Nations Organization
Created by: SudanG
Number of Blossarys: 5
English (EN)
Korean (KO)
Danish (DA)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Spanish (ES)
Estonian (ET)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
English, UK (UE)
Catalan (CA)
German (DE)
Japanese (JA)
French (FR)
Latvian (LV)
Indonesian (ID)
Tamil (TA)
Lithuanian (LT)
Arabic (AR)
Portuguese (PT)
Swedish (SV)
Polish (PL)
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Czech (CS)
Bulgarian (BG)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Italian (IT)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
Danish (DA)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Spanish (ES)
Estonian (ET)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
English, UK (UE)
Catalan (CA)
German (DE)
Japanese (JA)
French (FR)
Latvian (LV)
Indonesian (ID)
Tamil (TA)
Lithuanian (LT)
Arabic (AR)
Portuguese (PT)
Swedish (SV)
Polish (PL)
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Czech (CS)
Bulgarian (BG)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Italian (IT)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Sango is an official language of the Central African Republic. It is a creole related to Ngbandi and French. Spoken primarily in the Central African Republic, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sango is used by over 5 million people.
Sango es una lengua oficial de la República Centroafricana. Es un criollo relacionado Ngbandi y francés. Hablado principalmente en la República Centroafricana, Chad y la República Democrática del Congo, Sango es utilizado por más 5 millones de personas.