Category: Education
Created by: zblagojevic
Number of Blossarys: 5
English (EN)
Macedonian (MK)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Indonesian (ID)
Japanese (JA)
Russian (RU)
French (FR)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Hungarian (HU)
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Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
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Bulgarian (BG)
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Greek (EL)
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English, UK (UE)
Dutch (NL)
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Somali (SO)
Arabic (AR)
Macedonian (MK)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Indonesian (ID)
Japanese (JA)
Russian (RU)
French (FR)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Hungarian (HU)
Filipino (TL)
Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
Italian (IT)
Bulgarian (BG)
Portuguese (PT)
Spanish (ES)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Greek (EL)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
German (DE)
Swedish (SV)
Estonian (ET)
Lithuanian (LT)
English, UK (UE)
Dutch (NL)
Finnish (FI)
Somali (SO)
Arabic (AR)
Declaration of the Inter-governmental Conference on Environ-mental Education, Tbilisi, 1977. The declaration on the principles and strategies of environmental education in the contemporary world.
Deklaracija Međuvladine konferencija o Obrazovanju u oblasti životne sredine, Tbilisi, 1977.g. Deklaracija o principima i strategijama ekološkog obrazovanja u savremenom svetu.
Methods of bringing up and developing the personality in the process of education. Meet the scientific pedagogical requirements.
Metode podizanja i razvoja ličnosti u procesu obrazovanja koje ispunjavaju naučne pedagoške zahteve.
Water suitable for drinking and cooking.
Voda koja se koristi za piće, preradu i proizvodnju hrane i predmeta opšte upotrebe, kao i ostale potrebe ljudi.
The whole complex of physical and chemical characteristics of the inorganic environment that influences organism.
Kompleks fizičkih i hemijskih uticaja neorganskog okruženja koji utiču na organizme