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Finding another way to do things. It's partly being creative about solving problems and partly being insistent about getting back to the things that are important to you. "Adaptive thinking" involves making changes in your everyday environment. Some examples are: changing how you do certain tasks or activities, changing the "tools" you use to do them or changing the features of places by doing things like adding ramps, widening doorways or getting rid of throw rugs. When you can learn to think "adaptively" you are using the best parts of human nature - resilience and creativity!

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Industrie/Domeniu: Alimente (altele) Categorie: Ierburi şi mirodenii

маточина (лимон крем)

билка (свежа напролет) Опис: Нане-како лисја, исто така, повика мелем. Слатка, лимон вкус со цитрус мирис. Користи: Џемови и желеа, салати, супи, ...

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